Living the good past - Rishi Mohan

Yesterday, it was Makar Sankranti in India. It’s a festival in which we fly kites

I had a flight back home to Agra from Goa yesterday. I arrived at Home in the afternoon. I also had calls and work to do and got free only in the evening

Kids from colony came to me with their kites and manjha and asked if we can fly kite together. We used to fly kites together in this season before I moved to Berlin

Most of the kids in the colony don’t know how to fly kites, they’re mostly in the age range of 10 to 20

So we went to my roof and flew one kite. The kids got so excited they were jumping and laughing and singing random funny songs. It made me happy too, but what made me smile was how it reminded me of when I was kid and used to fly kites with some of my friends(Manish, Gaurav, Tushar if you ever read this)

We flew the kite until it was almost night. The kids were all happy flying kites themselves and seeing it fly so high

They were like “bhiya, chand tak pohoncha do patang ko” and “bhiya, sabki patang kaat do” 😂

That was yesterday. They came today again. And we flew again

It’s small moments like these that makes the kid inside me happy. I want to be able to do more such things which I loved doing as a kid

To keeping the kid inside us alive and free!